Conscious Leadership

Why January May Not be the Time for Goal Setting

New Year Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs
I'm Dominiqué!

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January 1 – that arbitrary date assigned in modern times to kickstart those “New Year, New You” habits. I don’t know about you, but Winter has never been my most active season. So why the push to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and force growth when it’s truly a time of rest + introspection?

I work with conscious, revolutionary entrepreneurs who want to do business differently. One of the foundational ways to approach this is to live in accordance with Natural Law. Doing life – and business – according to Natural Law is simply Nature Observing Nature. So to me, it makes perfect sense to take a different approach to goal setting and visioning and do so according to the rhythms of Nature herself.

In the northern hemisphere we’re currently in our Winter season, and for this SoCal -> OK transplant this means I’m learning exactly what a true Winter season can look and feel like. Sure, on the outside Winter may look like a dormant time, but actually, there is a deep, inner work going on over these cold weeks. 

Winter is a time for true rest, for shedding of everything that no longer serves, for sinking roots deep into the Earth to take in her nourishment and prepare for the season of growth ahead. If we observe the wisdom of Nature during this season, how can we apply her lessons to our business?

A Slower Start to the New Year

DEEPLY reflect on 2023

  • I don’t mean to create your “highlight reel” for social media here (although that can be a fun exercise!). Pull out your old journals, review your calendar from the past year, read old emails, project/client feedback etc.
    • Take a deep dive into all areas of your business and meditate over all the challenges, growth + learnings you experienced.
  • What worked? What didn’t? What hurt? What brought joy?
  • What do you want to bring forward into 2023?
  • What do you want to leave behind in 2023?
    • This can be products/offerings, operating systems, belief systems, etc

DREAM ahead for 2024

  • I don’t mean to turn this into a huge goal-setting/visioning exercise just yet. Let’s take things a bit slower.
  • Ask yourself – If we were to meet 1 year from today, and I was to ask you how your 2024 was, what would you WANT to say about your year?
    • You can answer this question for both your brand and your personal life – how fun!

DISCERN next steps

  • Based on your answer above, discern what next steps would serve you best to make this vision a reality
  • Think about your current business structure.
    • What adjustments need to be made to truly operate from a place of conscious awareness?
    • How can your brand operate more aligned with Natural Law? 

DELEGATE to your team

  • While understanding we’re all still in this Winter season externally, recognize that some of us may have more of an internal Spring/Summer energy going on! 
    • This is simply related to our unique makeup – do you know your team’s Human Design, Gene Keys or Astrology details?
    • This can provide you with a treasure trove of information on what makes people tick and their unique giftings
  • Based on the above, what projects/tasks can be delegated to your team at this time? 

DETANGLE from Programming

  • Where can you deconstruct some programming and re-integrate with more conscious business practices? Start to ask some “wonder” questions. Some examples of this could be –
  • I wonder what would happen if…
    • We re-aligned our fiscal calendar to start in April instead of January
    • I took the first 2 weeks of January off
    • I chose to close down this program in order to build the dream container I have bubbling up in my heart
    • We took an honest deep dive into our client feedback to help determine our next steps?
    • We switched to a different manufacturer for our goods/product who aligns with our values?

From my perspective, the above feels way more life-giving than succumbing to the “New Year, New You” mass productivity push. How about you?

If part of your dream for 2024 includes scaling your brand (aka hiring an employee or 2!) or developing conscious leadership skills, we’d love to support you in that process. Set up a Discovery Call to learn more about how Return to Eden Consulting creates holistic HR solutions for revolutionary entrepreneurs! 

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Hey, I'm Dominique.
Your Soulful HR Growth Partner.

I believe entrepreneurs are vision holders for creating an authentic and deeply meaningful human experience. I love to partner with creative business leaders who choose to be disruptive in the way they nurture growth for their brand, their team + the greater collective.

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When entrepreneurs are ready to grow, the top question we're asked is "Should I hire an employee or use a contractor for projects?"

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Conscious HR + Leadership Solutions for Sacred CEO's + Entrepreneurs