It's time for a more
way of doing business

One where entrepreneurs + founders lead with intention and divine purpose to create frameworks that allow the pursuit of the greatest good for our teams + our businesses. When you're ready to hire + scale with purpose, Return to Eden is here to create the custom, holistic + impactful People Ops/HR solutions to support the conscious growth of your business.


It's time for a more                way
of doing business

Hey revolutionaries - let's do things differently



Unabashedly true to our whole, highest selves which frees up others to do the same

complete integrity

Living in wholeness from the inside out


Growth first within oneself in order to propel growth all around us


This 1-hour Sacred Business Strategy Session is a great opportunity to speak with us about solving 1 big People Ops/HR challenge you have in your brand that needs an effective solution right now. As we hear your questions, pain point(s) and learn about your brand, we’ll share key action steps you can take immediately to effectively scale and move your brand forward in creating a conscious business with a flourishing growth mindset.

Sacred Business Strategy Session

Learn more

This membership was uniquely designed to serve as the bridge for you to anchor your heart-led brand within the legal realities of this 3D experience, while equipping you to fully embody sacred leadership as you lead your team constellation to create a sacred impact through your brand's offerings.

Inside the Sacred Scaling Membership, you'll receive -
* Daily in-the-pocket HR + Leadership Coaching Support
* Resource Library with customizable People Ops + HR templates + video lessons covering ALL 50 STATES so you can protect your sacred business
* Supportive community of fellow Sacred CEOs, entrepreneurs + business leaders
* 2x month LIVE Sacred Business Q&A Coaching Sessions to get your Team Scaling/HR questions answered in real time

Sacred Scaling Membership

Transforming brands from the roots up

learn more

If you’re ready to invest in your brand’s conscious evolution + scaling needs, our Scale with Purpose Accelerator experience is for you.
This 3-month offering is geared towards founders/CEO’s who desire an HR partner to build their unique People Ops strategy from the ground up in order to fully support their business' conscious growth + impact. In this offering, we build your HR strategy + tools and provide Conscious Leadership coaching so you can Scale with Purpose!

Scale with Purpose Accelerator

She swooped in and tackled critical areas that needed attention, offering her expertise, guidance and support to our managers and myself. Dominique's impact has been remarkable.”
- Jade Valore, @radcoffee

"{Return to Eden} has been an absolute game-changer for our team."

cultural turnaround for a growing coffee brand

This could be you....

Dominique was a pleasure to work with - she brought to life a people-first HR strategy that aligned with our company mission and worked tirelessly to identify the right talent and develop existing staff. She was always bringing great solutions that met all stakeholders’ needs. She was a wonderful partner in helping building a high growth company."
- Travis Heard, @outerknown

"Return to Eden brought to life a people-first HR strategy

conscious biz strategy +
 high growth

Dominique created a seamless onboarding experience for our new hires, established growth paths for our teams, helped roll out performance review management and much more. Her approach and mindset was exactly what we were looking for and would be beneficial to any growing business."
- Vicky Tatar, @jhannah and @ourkindra

"Her approach and mindset was exactly what we were looking for...

growing startup SAW impactful RESULTS


When entrepreneurs are ready to grow, the top question we're asked is "Should I hire an employee or use a contractor for projects?"

Although there isn't a "1 size fits all" to this question, we do have some helpful tips for you to think through as you navigate the growth of your small business. Check out our FREE Guide to learn which path may be best for your current or future needs so you can avoid costly $$$ in fines!

Employee vs Contractor - What's Right for my Business?

Free Download

Perhaps you've just started your business, or maybe you've been at it for a while. But when exactly should you start including purposeful HR/People Ops consulting as part of your conscious business strategy? Take our free quiz to find out what may be best for your brand and what steps you can start taking today.

When is my Brand ready for HR/People Ops Support?

Take the Quiz


get in touch

Join me for a FREE 30 minute Consultation Call. We'll talk about where you're needing support + discover if this is an aligned partnership to help you achieve your sacred scaling goals!

schedule a consultation call